
The Surgical Department at MCU-FDTMF Hospital has a storied tradition of exceptional service in the medical field, dating back to its establishment in 1947. Under the guidance of its pioneering chairman, Dr. Fortunato Guerrero, and subsequent leaders, the department has evolved into a beacon of surgical excellence and innovation. Recognized early on by the Philippine College of Surgeons, the department has expanded to include a range of subspecialties, including Urology, and has been at the forefront of surgical education and practice in the Philippines. The department’s history is marked by significant contributions to the field, including the tenure of Dr. Ponciano Bernardo Jr., known as the Golden Age, and the development of the Surgical Inter-University Research Foundation under Dr. Vedasto Lim. Today, under the leadership of its current chair, the department emphasizes competency, ethical practice, and advanced training in Minimally Invasive Surgery, continuing its long-standing tradition of excellence and innovation in surgical care.
The department’s history is marked by significant contributions to the field, including the tenure of Dr. Ponciano Bernardo Jr., known as the Golden Age, and the development of the Surgical Inter-University Research Foundation under Dr. Vedasto Lim. Today, under the leadership of its current chair, the department emphasizes competency, ethical practice, and advanced training in Minimally Invasive Surgery, continuing its long-standing tradition of excellence and innovation in surgical care.
Training Program
• The Surgical Residency
The Surgical Residency Training Program at MCU-FDTMF Hospital, fully accredited by the Philippine College of Surgeons, is one of the institution’s crown jewels, reflecting over six decades of surgical education excellence. The program extends over five years, evolving under the stewardship of various department chairs, each contributing to its rigorous and comprehensive curriculum. This program aims to develop not only skilled surgeons but also morally upright individuals prepared to meet the challenges of modern surgical practice.
• Diverse Range of Surgical Cases
Residents are exposed to a diverse range of surgical cases, fostering hands-on learning and proficiency in the latest surgical techniques, notably in Minimally Invasive Surgery. The training is enriched with Post Graduate Courses, monthly journal club meetings, and collaborations with other institutions, ensuring residents are well-versed in current surgical trends and practices.
• Department’s Ethos
The department’s ethos, “Knowledge through fortitude, nobility despite adversity, excellence without compromise,” underscores its commitment to cultivating surgeons who are not only technically adept but also noble in character, ready to contribute positively to the global surgical community.
General Surgery
- Abdominal Paracentesis
- Abdomino-Perineal Resection
- Adhesiolysis
- Adrenalectomy
- Anal Polypectomy
- Anal Pull Thru
- Anastomosis
- Anorectal Pull Through
- Anorectoplasty/ Anorectoprexy
- Anterion Resection
- Appendectomy
- Aspiration Biopsy breast
- Anal Pull Thru
- Bariatric Surgery
- Biliary Surgery
- Biopsy (Abdomen)
- Biopsy (Bladder)
- Biopsy (Breast / areolar)
- Biopsy (Cheek)
- Biopsy (Chest)
- Biopsy (Lymph Node)
- Biopsy (Muscle)
- Biopsy (Sentinel)
- Biopsy (Supraclavicular)
- Anal Fistulectomy
- AVF Creation, Left Wrist
- CTT Insertion
- Cystoscopy
- Debridement
- Escharotomy Excision
- Biopsy of Breast Mass
- Excision of Soft Tissue
- Exploratory Laparotomy
- Biopsy (Suprafacial of, )
- Biopsy (Thigh)
- Breast Reconstruction
- Cautery of Warts
- CBD Exploration
- Cervical Lymphadenectomy
- Change of Tracheostomy Cheiloplasty
- Chest thoracic tube
- Cholecystectomy – OPEN
- Cholecystectomy w/ IOC
- Circumcision
- Closed Tube Gastrostomy
- Closed Tube Thoracentesis
- Closed Tube Thoracostomy
- Closure of Wound
- Coelectomy
- Colon Resection
- Colon Surgery
- Colostomy
- Control of Bleeders/ Ligation of Bleeders
- Core Needle Biopsy
- CT Tube Insertion
- Cut Down
- CVP Insertion
- Cystoreductive w/ HIPEC
- Cystorrhaphy
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Abdomen)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Axillary)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Back)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Brachial Sinus)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Buttocks)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Chest Wall)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Finger)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Foot)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Forearm)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Gluteal)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Hand)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Leg)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Plantar)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Sacral Area / Anal)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Scalp)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Scrotom)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Skin Lesions)
- Debridement -and- Change of Dressing (Thigh)
- Diagnostic Laparoscopy
- Diverting Colostomy
- Electrocautery of warts
- Electrocoagulation of Hemorrhoids
- Enterolysis
- Enucleation of soft tissue
- Esophagectomy
- Esophagogastrectomy
- Esophagojejunostomy
- Ethanol Sclerotherapy
- Evacuation of Abscess
- Evacuation of Hematoma
- Excision of Hemangioma
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Abdominal)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Ankle)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Anterior Trunk)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Arm)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Auricular)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Axillary)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Back)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Biopsy Mole)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Breast)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Buccal)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Buttocks / Gluteal)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Callous)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Cervical)
- Excision of Mass,Cyst,Node , keratinous -and- mole (Cheek)
- Fistulectomy
- Funduplication
- Gastrectomy
- Gastric Bypass
- Gastric Sleeve Resection
- Gastric Surgery
- Gastro-Jejunostomy
- Gastrostomy
- Gastrostomy Tube
- Insertion Inguinal Exploration
- Inguinal Hernia – Repair
- Inguinal Herniorrhaphy
- Insertion of Jejunostomy Tube Insertion of Subrapubic cath
- Insertion of Tench off/ Removal
- Insertion T-Tube Kasai Procedure
- LADD’S Procedure Lap Adhesiolysis
- Lap Appendectomy
- Lap Biliary Surgery
- Lap Cholecystectomy w/ IOC
- Lap Colon Surgery
- Lap Diagnostic
- Lap Enterolysis
- Lap Gastric Bypass
- Lap Hemicoelectomy
- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Ligation Of Bleeders
- Liver Resection
- Lobectomy
- Low Anterior Resection
- Mastectomy
- Mastotomy
- Microdochectomy
- Modified Radical
- Mastectomy
- Neck Exploration
- Segmentectomy
- Sigmoidectomy
- Skin Grafting
- Tenorrhaphy
- Thoracotomy
- Thyroglossal Surgery
- Thyroid Lobectomy
- Transmetatarsal Amputation
- Umbilical Hernia Repair
- Umbilical Herniorraphy Ungiectomy
- V-Y Advancement Flap Closure
- Varicocoelectomy
- Vasectomy
- Vein Stripping
- Whipple’s Surgery Wide Excision of
- Mass Wound Closure/ Debridement
- Wound Exploration
Incision and Drainage Jejunostomy Tube Insertion Neurologic Surgery
- Burr Hole
- Craniectomy
- Craniotomy
- Cranioplasty
- Debridement of Wound
- Decompressive Laminectomy
- Evacuation (Hematoma)
- Excision (Meningioma)
- Hemicraniectomy
- Laminectomy
- Repair of Meningocoele
- Revision Shunt
- Spine Fusion
- Ventriculostomy
Orthopedic Surgery
- Above Knee Amputation
- Acl reconstruction
- Anterior/ Posterior Decompression Spinal Fusion
- Anthrotomy
- Arthrocentesis
- Arthroplasty
- Arthroscopic
- Clavicular Repair
- Closed Reduction of Tibia -and- Fibula
- Clubfoot Surgery
- Debulking
- Hip Arthroplasty
- Hip Nailing/Pinning
- Ilizarov Fixator Femure
- IM Nailing
- Osteoclysis
- Partial Hip Replacement
- Partial Hip/Knee Arhtroplasty/Total
- Spinal Instrumentation
- Wide Excision of Mass Thigh
Pericardial Window with Pericardial Biopsy Perm Cath Insertion
- Breast Reconstruction
- Cheiloplasty
- Closure of Wounds
- Debridement (Burns of,)
- Electrocautery of Warts
- Flap Reconstruction
- Removal (Foreign Body of,)
- Removal (Suture of,)
- Scar Revision
- Skin Grafting
- Suturing Lacerated Lip
- Suturing of Wound
- Wide Excision of ( Cheek Orbital Arca/Ear)
Urologic Surgery
- Biopsy (Prostate of,)
- Biopsy (Testicular of,)
- Biopsy (Urethral )
- Cystectomy
- Cystolithopaxy
- Cystolitothomy
- Diverticulectomy
- Excision (Bladder)
- Excision (Penil)
- Excision (Scrotal)
- Excision (Testicular)
- Excision (Uretheral)
- Hydrocoelectomy
- Ilial Conduit
- Installation Mitomycin
- Intracorporal Lithotripsy
- J Stent (Urologic Surgery
- Nephrectomy
- Nephro-Uretectomy
- Nephrolithotomy
- Prostatectomy
- Radical Cystectomy
- Radical Nephrectomy
- Radical Orchiectomy
- Radical Prostatectomy
- Repair of Hypospadias
- Resection of Bladder wall
- Scrotal Exploration Stone Basket Extraction
- Suprapubic Cath (Insertion of,)
- Suprapubic Cath (Removal of,)
- Ureteral Barbottage
- Ureteral Stenting
- Varicocoelectomy